Getting into an accident can be a traumatic experience. You never expect it to happen, but you can never predict when you find yourself at the center of this unfortunate event. There are steps after a car accident to take. It may seem weird to keep a check of what to do after a car accident, but it is necessary that you learn to do so. Car accidents are far more common than we think, so it is smart to be aware.
These are some of the first things you should do after a car accident.
Seek Medical Help
As soon as you are fully aware, seek medical attention. Self-examine for any potential injuries. If you detect a serious injury, stay put and do not try to move until help arrives. Even if there aren’t any external wounds on anyone, a thorough medical checkup will be necessary to ensure safety. If you can’t do it yourself, ask a bystander to call 911.
Check Fellow Passengers for Injuries
If you aren’t that hurt and are able to move around, check any other passengers that were in the car or anyone who got involved in the accident.
Get Yourself and Fellow Victims of the Accident to a Safe Place
If you are still able to move, go to the sidewalk or anywhere that is safe from ongoing traffic. Help any other victims of the accident to get to safety if possible.
Wait Until Help Arrives
Don’t try to act tough. As soon as you are in a safe place, wait for help to arrive. This should be quick, so don’t worry much. If possible, turn on the hazard lights on your car to warn incoming traffic to slow down.
Collect All the Information That You Can
Once help arrives and everyone is safe, exchange all the information regarding the accident. The important information that should be exchanged among both the parties that got into the accident includes full name, contact information, driver’s license, license plate number, insurance company and policy number, the type, model and color of the vehicle, and the location of the accident.
It is recommended that you just collect facts, and discuss the faults later on while reviewing the claim. An inspection will take place to determine whose fault it was.
Make a police report
Make a police report to document the accident and who is at fault. It is necessary that you write down some basic information about the accident. This includes the identity of the officers, a copy of the accident report, names of everyone involved, names and details of any witnesses, and if possible, take as many pictures of the scene as you can.
Call Attorney Javier Marcos | Steps after a Car Accident
All these steps after a car accident will help your claim in the future, and help you file a strong case. After making the police report, its important to call a personal injury lawyer like Attorney Javier Marcos. Call the office 24hrs, we all speak Spanish and we go to you wherever you are. Do not let time pass by, its important to call an accident attorney right away to start protecting your rights and get the compensation you deserve. Attorney Javier Marcos can be reached at 713.999.4444.
Pasos despues de un accidente automovilistico | Abogado Javier Marcos