10700 North Fwy.

Houston, TX 77037

228 Westheimer Rd

Houston, TX 77006

(713) 999-4444

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Know Your Rights

Know your rights with immigration

We have heard from several individuals who are concerned about possible upcoming changes with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (“ICE”), so we wanted to pass along the following general information about what rights you have if ICE officers come to your home

If ICE officers come to your home, it’s important to know your rights:

  1. Do Not Open the Door. ICE officers are not allowed to enter your home without a judicial warrant signed by a judge.
  2. Without Leaving Your Home and Without Giving ICE Consent to Enter, Ask to See a Warrant. It is very important to know that even if ICE officers present you with an “administrative warrant” (such as a Form I-200 or Form I-205), this is NOT a judicial warrant that allows them to enter and does NOT give them permission to enter your home without your consent. Remember:
    • Judicial Warrant: Must be signed by a judge. It authorizes law enforcement to enter your home.
    • ICE Administrative Warrant (such as Form I-200 or Form I-205): Not signed by a judge. It does not allow ICE to enter your home without your consent.
  3. Exercise Your Right to Remain Silent. You have the constitutional right to remain silent. You are not required to answer questions or provide information about your immigration status.
  4. Do Not Sign Anything. Without speaking to an attorney, do not sign any documents that ICE may give you.
  5. Take Notes About What Happened and Contact an Immigration Attorney.

Please know your rights and protect yourself. This post is for general information only and is not legal advice. 

Injured? Call Attorney Javier Marcos

(713) 999-4444

We are available 24/7

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