Hispanic Accident Attorney for Uber Eats
Car accidents involving drivers for Door Dash, GrubHub, UberEats, Shipt and Postmates
Getting food and other essential items delivered to your home or office has been steadily gaining in popularity especially inside cities. Consequently, with the coronavirus pandemic and shelter in place, on demand delivery services have become an essential service themselves. There are several main services in existence and many more that are being created to fill gaps in service.
Requirements vary from service to service on how they find, screen, and hire their contract delivery drivers as well as how they pay and maintain them. If a car accident occurs with a driver that is in the process of delivering for one of these services, liability can become an issue. Often, the process is very complicated and to get proper compensation, it is important that you retain a accident attorney for Uber Eats that is knowledgeable about this special situation.
Attorney Javier Marcos
Attorney Javier Marcos is an accident lawyer in Houston that speaks Spanish. He can help you in your accident case 24 hours a day. Offering free consultation, we go to you wherever you are, you can call 24 hours a day, visit the doctor at no cost, speak personally with the lawyer and the best customer service. Try not to talk to the insurance company, as they will try to give you the minimum amount of money. Let the Attorney Javier Marcos talk to the insurance company. For any accident where you have been hurt or injured, call Attorney Javier Marcos.

We are here to help you today!
Attorney Javier Marcos can start helping you today with your Uber Eats, GrubHub or DoorDash accident claim. We offer free consultations 24 hours a day, everyday. Truck accidents can happen at anytime, that is why we answer the phone anytime you need us. Call us at (713) 999-4444 or use the form on this page to contact us. We will meet you at your convenience in-person, on the phone or video chat.
Problems Associated with On Demand Drivers
Although there is no denying that on demand delivery services are convenient and sometimes necessary, the explosive growth has caused some problems that add to the never-ending road and freeway congestion in Houston.
One of the main problems is the pressure that these delivery drivers must make delivers fast and on time. When delivering food, the idea is to get the food to the destination before it gets cold. This increased pressure may cause the driver to take more risks or drive recklessly.
A second issue is driving in unfamiliar areas. On demand delivery drivers get paid on each delivery, so many expand their territory so that they can get more assignments. When doing this they are driving in areas of town they are unfamiliar with. Most Houstonians know that almost every area is full of road construction. Changing traffic patterns as well as looking for road names and addresses can cause drivers to not pay attention to other drivers resulting in accidents.
The last main issue we will discuss is nighttime driving. On demand delivery typically work when demand is high so they will work after dark when it is dinner time or when people want nighttime snacks. Statistics show that 50% of fatal car accidents happen at night even though there is a steep decline in actual traffic. Now with hundreds of on demand drivers on the road delivering or waiting for delivery assignments, there is an increase chance of serious car accidents.

Who is liable in an accident involving an at fault On Demand Delivery Driver?
Most major services like Door Dash, GrubHub, UberEats and Postmates require that their drivers have personal auto insurance coverage. This personal coverage is the primary coverage meaning that you will first be reimbursed by the driver’s insurance company. A problem that could come into play is when the driver’s insurance policy denies the claim because the driver did not inform the insurance company that they were using their vehicle for employment purposes. Many insurance companies now have an add-on for people using their vehicles for on demand delivery services. Without this, you may not get compensated for the accident.
One of the big issues that have not been addressed is who can be held liable. This is the main reason you need to hire a accident attorney for Uber Eats like Attorney Javier Marcos to help you with the case. Since on demand drivers are essentially contract workers, insurance coverage beyond personal insurance varies among services. Door Dash provides $1 million added coverage after the driver’s insurance is used. On the flip side, Grub Hub, another big player in the services provides NO ADDITIONAL COVERAGE.
If you have been seriously injured in the accident, the delivery driver’s personal insurance may not be enough to cover damages and injuries. The personal insurance may even DENY the claim since it was during employment. This is a very complex issue where you can be left with no solutions unless a competent attorney can find a way to get you compensated for your loss.
Why Should You Hire An Attorney for an Accident Involving an On Demand Delivery Driver?
Until legislation is passed to cover some of the gaps in this popular delivery model, it is important that you hire a personal injury attorney if you have been seriously injured in a car accident involving an on demand delivery service driver like GrubHub, Door Dash, Uber Eats, Postmates or Shipt. Many have complex rules for accepting liability in car accidents. The drivers personal insurance may have issues paying due to the driver not getting the right coverage and using the insurance while “at work.”
Many of these situations can result in no form of recovery or compensation if not pursued properly. Since personal injury attorneys work on a contingency basis, you pay no fees unless we get you compensated for damages and injuries. If you or a loved one has been injured in this kind of accident, give Attorney Javier Marcos a call. He is an experienced car accident attorney and can give you great advice and help you through this accident and get your life back on track.

Accidents Involving Uber Eats, DoorDash and Grub Hub FAQs
Answer: All the delivery services require their drivers to carry personal insurance in the event of an accident. From that point, the different delivery services run things a bit different. DoorDash carries coverage on drivers after their personal insurance is exceeded and others have different stipulations. Additionally, there is also the wrinkle whether they were actually working for the delivery service at the time or waiting and that has all to do with the “status” they were in at the time of the accident. Additionally, some insurance companies will not accept a claim if the driver did not designate that the covered vehicle was being used as a delivery service. In most cases if you have been injured or had significant damage to your vehicle, you should retain the services of an experienced auto accident lawyer like Javier Marcos that has extensive experience in handling cases involving on-demand delivery drivers.
Answer: Of course you want to recover all the costs that you incurred due to the accident which involves damages to your vehicle, medical bills for injuries you sustained as well as a host of other things you may not have thought of like loss of income, disabilities whether they may be short or long term or possible permanent. An experienced personal injury attorney like Javier Marcos will take time to determine all that you have lost. At that point, he will make sure to get that money through the personal insurance carried by the delivery driver and then follow through with the company he/she was delivering for.
There are many pitfalls in this kind of lawsuit such as the driver not carrying the right kind of insurance in which case the delivery service may also deny your claim. It is very important that you have an attorney that knows this kind of accident when pursuing an injury claim.
Answer: You should consult an attorney prior to making any statements to a delivery service or even to their contracted driver. Allow your attorney to communicate for you. Sometimes your comments could weaken your case if it is construed in a manner that you did not intend. Company attorneys and insurance adjusters are trying to minimize their financial exposure and do not have your best interest at heart. Personal injury attorneys like Javier Marcos work on a contingency basis so if you do not win your case and get compensated, then he does not get paid either. So get someone that will fight legally for you.
Practice Areas
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Schedule your free video or in-person consultation today. We can come to you or come by our office.
Principal Location
Javier Marcos 45 North Freeway
10700 North Fwy
Houston, TX 77037
Phone: (713) 999-4444
Satellite Location
Javier Marcos Westheimer
228 Westheimer Rd
Houston, TX 77006
Phone: (713) 999-4444
(713) 999-4444
Let's Get Started
Schedule your free video or in-person consultation today. We can come to you or come by our office.