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All You Need to Know About Personal Injury vs. Property Damage

Property damage | Attorney Javier Marcos | 713.999.4444

During an accident, you are likely to incur both personal and property damage. You should understand what each entails because they have different claims related to them. Having this information is crucial because it helps your case.

You can define the extent of damage and put a number on it to get the best offer. To do that, it is important to know the difference between personal injury claims and property damage claims.

The Difference Between Personal Injury and Property Damage

The term personal injury is a legal term that people use to describe an injury to the person’s body, mind, or emotional state. In pursuing lawsuits, you need to know the extent of personal injury to make a case. If you have encountered something that falls under personal injury, then you will put a suit forward to the opposing party with details of your injury.

Property damage is any type of damage that an individual’s asset has faced during an accident. You will get compensation, depending on the asset’s value.

These are the categories through which your attorney or your insurance company negotiates about the damage. You save up a lot of money through this.

What Do Your Personal Injury Claims Include?

Your injury in an auto accident is a cause of discomfort in your life. It might have made you undergo treatments that are not only expensive but time-consuming as well. Your compensations include any expenses for your current or future medical procedures.

Because of your injury, you are likely to miss your day job, which will put a financial strain on you. It will take account of any lost wages.

After an accident, you go through a lot of pain and suffering. Your claim will consider all that plus any permanent injuries or scarring. There are many more claims that you can make depending on the unique nature of your case. An attorney will help you navigate through that with ease.

What Do Your Property Damage Claims Include?

Any damage caused to your vehicle or property would come under this claim. Your compensation deal could offer you repairs for your car. You can also get a new one under the property damage claim.

Any personal items that have broken or lost during an accident, will also be covered by your insurance.

There will be compensation for damage to any other stakeholder’s property as well. Depending on the nature of the crash, you will get a compensation offer considering the level of property damage.

Your compensation package could come from the opposing party’s pocket, their insurance, or from your insurance. It tends to be a little difficult to get fair compensation without a lawyer on your side.

Property Damage | Attorney Javier Marcos

By knowing what comes under each category of damages, you can feel more comfortable throughout this process. Dealing with lawyers and insurance companies is not easy. So, it is better to have a basic knowledge of your case. After that, you can leave matters to your attorney.

Attorney Javier Marcos can help. Call 24 hrs at 713.999.4444 for your free consultation. There is no payment unless we win the case. We go to you wherever you are and we all speak spanish.




Lo que necesita saber sobre lesiones personales y danos a la propiedad

Injured? Call Attorney Javier Marcos

(713) 999-4444

We are available 24/7

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