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What to do if your insurance company refuses to pay

Insurance company claims? Call Attorney Javier Marcos

It can happen. Believe it or not, your insurance company does not have your best interests at heart and this will be obvious when you try to claim a personal injury. They might either refuse to pay or pay only a portion of what you are owed. The following are some reasons they might give for denying a personal injury claim:

  • The policy you are applying for was not available at the time for which you want to file a claim for.
  • You were not truthful when you applied for insurance or did not provide relevant information regarding your claim thus rendering it invalid.
  • The item you are claiming for is not covered by the policy
  • You failed to adhere to a condition mentioned in the policy
  • You missed an installment of your premium
  • The claim you are fighting for is not covered according to a clause in the policy
  • You are trying to get more than you deserve by exaggerating the incidents that led up to your personal injury.

These are just some of the excuses your insurance company can offer if you go to them to file a case and the excuses can get more bizarre if you persist. However, that does not mean they cannot be convinced to give you your full claim. Taking the insurance company to court should be your last resort, not your first since such cases can get tied up in court for years. This will delay the funds you might need for your medical expenses and loss of income which you might suffer from if you cannot go to work because of your injuries.

You should try to work with your insurance agent or the insurance firm provider as patiently as you can and don’t forget to document the entire procedure. You can use that as evidence in case you want to claim your valid case was denied time and again by your insurance company. If they are placing obstacles in your path just to prevent you from getting the claim you rightly deserve, then hire an insurance regulator to help you. Otherwise, an attorney can also help you get it done faster.

Know your rights

Knowing your insurance policy inside and out will go a long way in helping you determine what your rights are during a personal injury case. This includes details on all aspects that are covered, what you will need to do to file your complaint and how fast you can get it submitted. The process for damage reimbursement will also be outlined in the policy along with the attorney’s role in case of a deposition. In addition, you should know what your rights are in case of a dispute.

Need help with you claim with your insurance company? Call Attorney Javier Marcos

If you want help with your claim or want to claim a dispute against your insurance company, you need seasoned attorneys by your side. Attorney Javier Marcos  can give you the professional legal advice and aid you need to get the reimbursement you deserve. Call 24 hours 713.999.4444 for a free consultation. There is no payment unless we win the case.



Injured? Call Attorney Javier Marcos

(713) 999-4444

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