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(713) 999-4444

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Are More Hispanics Being Injured or Killed at Work?

justice for hispanics

Hispanics are a hard-working, proud people.  In Texas, Hispanics make up a large portion of the workforce especially for dangerous jobs such as roofing, construction and agriculture.   Latinos often work low-wage jobs and are more prone to workplace injuries than other workers.  Work-place injuries involving Hispanic workers often go unreported or under-reported.

Even though overall injuries and deaths in the workplace has declined over the years, Hispanic worker injuries and deaths has increased slightly.  Many attribute this to the language barrier and not being able to read and understand safety warning signs.  Another case can be made that Hispanic workers, especially when undocumented, are given and accept jobs that others will not do.  In some cases, employers will not provide adequate safety equipment, gear or instruction to prevent these injuries and/or deaths.

Number of Fatal Work Injuries for Hispanic & Latino Workers

Many undocumented Latino workers fear retaliation or loss of employment if they raise objections to working conditions.  They are focused on providing for themselves and their family and cannot afford to be without work.  Their lack of education also gives them a disadvantage when seeking help with these issues.  Latinos usually do not know or understand local labor laws and safety standards that companies must abide by regardless of who is doing the work.

Attorney Javier Marcos understands these issues and works hard to get justice for Hispanic clients.  His background, experience and knowledge of the Hispanic culture and workplace laws gives him an edge in representing clients who have been wronged by employers.  Workplace injuries and deaths, along with Workers’ Compensation laws may seem complicated and hard to navigate.  It is important that Hispanic workers who have been injured or family members that have lost a loved one seek the counsel of an attorney like Javier Marcos that understands their fears and motivations and will help them get fair compensation for their pain and suffering.

It does not matter if you are a United States citizen or undocumented worker, you have rights and recourse under the law if you have been injured on the job.  Contact the offices of Javier Marcos as soon as possible so that he may get to work for you.  Call today at (713) 999-4444 or toll-free at 1-800-444-8118

Injured? Call Attorney Javier Marcos

(713) 999-4444

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