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Understanding dog bite claims | Attorney Javier Marcos

Dog bite claims | Attorney Javier Marcos 713.999.4444

Did you know that on average, 350,000 dog bite claims victims are treated for serious injuries in the United States? More than 40% of those are small children who are less than 14 years of age. They cannot protect themselves against overexcited dogs and this is one of the reasons why dog leash laws are set in place.

If a dog attacks a person without provocation in the US, the victim is usually allowed to recover complete damages from the owner’s insurance policy. The legal liabilities differ from one state to another though so you might need to check them up first before going to court.

A bite victim can usually win a case if one of the following things can be proven:

  • The dog has a history of violent behavior and has bitten someone previously as well with the owner fully aware of the fact. This can also work if the dog is aggressive towards others and the owner knows.
  • The dog was outside the boundaries of its owner’s residence and unleashed.
  • If the state law makes the dog owner liable under very limiting circumstances.

The owners can also be held liable for the attack and resulting injuries if they were aware that the dog was vicious and still allowed it to come in contact with others. This is applicable if they say asked a friend to take care of the dog, failed to place a sign warning off trespassers or failed to rid their property of a known dangerous dog.

What to do in case you are bitten

If you are bitten by someone’s dog then the first thing you need to do is report it to the police immediately. Then if you are able to, take pictures of the injuries and keep receipts of all of the costs incurred such as those for pain killers and surgical treatments along with damaged clothing and property. If the owner is found liable, you can also ask them to recompense you for the loss in wages you might suffer from in case the injuries prevent you from working.

Don’t forget to acquire the name and address of the owner of the dog so that the case can be presented to them. They may have pet insurance in which case claiming damages may not take as long. Your personal injury attorney will be the one to determine how much you should be paid depending on the extent of your injuries, emotional distress, medical costs and loss of wages.

Dog Bite Claims | Attorney Javier Marcos

Whether you have been bitten by a dog or are looking up dog leash laws for a victim, Attorney Javier Marcos can help. He has years of experience representing victims and dog owners in court and can help you present the best case possible. Just give us a call by dialing 713.999.4444 if you want to set up a meeting and a FREE consultation today. Our personal injury attorneys can help you recover the damages on dog bite claims you deserve and then some.




Injured? Call Attorney Javier Marcos

(713) 999-4444

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