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How Are 18-Wheeler Truck Accidents Different From Car Wrecks? | Car Wreck Lawyer

Car Wreck Lawyer | Attorney Javier Marcos | 713.999.4444

People generally assume that getting injured in a truck accident entails the same process of filing a claim as a car injury claim. However, this isn’t the case since 18-wheeler truck accidents are more severe than car wrecks. If you have been hurt in an accident, it is always best to call a car wreck lawyer to help you in your case.

Here are the many ways heavy truck accidents are different from car wrecks:

Insurance Policies are Larger | Consult a car wreck lawyer

Due to instate movement and the nature and size of an 18-wheeler truck, such accidents carry a much bigger insurance policy. It means that insurance policies might even be worth millions of dollars. Therefore, insurance companies and their lawyers will do everything possible to get out of liability.

Only highly experienced insurance adjusters can handle this case. These adjusters know which tactics they must use to decrease the liability of their clients and place the blame on the injured party. If they successfully prove even slight liability on your party, it can drastically reduce the compensation amount. It may even result in your claim getting denied.

Hence, cases involving heavy trucks are almost always rather complicated and may turn brutal.

Trucks have Different Regulations

18-wheeler trucks typically take interstate deliveries, which is why trucking companies and truck drivers are legally obliged to register with the Department of Transportation and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Due to this, they are governed with numerous more regulations in comparison to a typical driver.

These regulations usually include truck maintenance, special qualifications and licenses of the driver, yearly inspections and more. As a result, it is more complicated to determine the liability and cause of a truck accident.

Property Damage is More Severe

The large size and weight of the truck resulting in a massive collision, particularly if the affected vehicles were moving fast. Property damage is also severe, which means costly repairs.

Medical Bills are Expensive

Since the overall damage is more serious than a car accident, it typically results in severe injuries and even fatalities in many cases. The injuries sustained by the car driver and passengers may range from traumatic brain injuries, broken bones, back injuries, and severe whiplash. As a result, the affected individuals will have to pay high medical bills as their injuries require extensive diagnoses, testing, surgeries, and treatments. In case of permanent injuries or disabilities, the victim will have to deal with ongoing medical bills. In extreme cases, a truck accident may cause fatalities.

Car Wreck Lawyer | Attorney Javier Marcos

Due to such complexities and higher insurance in truck accidents, these cases might take longer than usual to conclude. You are bound to feel the pressure from your insurance company, and the lawyers of the trucking company. It is highly recommended that you consult an experienced truck accident lawyer to take on your case. The other party will try their best to intimidate you or to encourage you to agree to a low settlement, but your attorney can prevent this from happening. You will be able to recover the compensation you rightful deserve for the devastating injuries and sufferings you endured because of the accident.

If you are looking for a car wreck lawyer, call Attorney Javier Marcos 24 hrs. Consultations is always free, there is no payment unless we win the case. We all speak Spanish and we go to you. Call now 713.999.4444.



¿En qué se diferencian los accidentes de camiones de los accidentes automovilísticos? | Abogado de accidente de Coche

Injured? Call Attorney Javier Marcos

(713) 999-4444

We are available 24/7

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