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Insurance coverage for a car accident – what you should know

Have you or a loved one has a car accident? What type of coverage do you need? Do you need it? Does your state allow the type you think you are entitled to after an accident? Even though you can make use of liability insurance, there are a number of other t types that can help you protect your case if you have been in a vehicular accident or your car was involved in one.

It is also a good idea to review your existing insurance policy to ensure that you have the coverage you need. Some people think they have full coverage but that is often not the case. The following are some common coverage that can be applicable to your car accident depending on the state you are in and depending on your vehicle and budget.

Types of Insurance coverage when involved in a Car Accident

Basic Liability – this is one of the most common coverage you can get and in this insurance, the people who are harmed by the client are paid by the insurance company of the client. There are usually 2 different amounts for this. The first one can be the maximum dollar amount which is usually paid to a single person and the second one is paid to all individuals involved. This can be a problem though since it might not be enough to satisfy the injured party.

Underinsured/Uninsured motorist – As the name implies this type of coverage protects you in case the person who hit you does not have insurance coverage to pay for damages. Depending on how your policy is written the damages you sustain may also be covered in case you were involved in a hit and run in case the police are unable to find the perpetrator.

If your insurance policy has this coverage, make sure that you check the limits that come with it. If you are an underinsured motorist, then the underinsured coverage can protect you in case the liable party does not have insurance. In such cases you can collect additional compensation from your insurance company for injuries sustained during the accident. Make sure to check out our insurance policy before opting for this coverage though; in some cases the liability limits have to be more than the limits held by the other party.

Collision – If the accident is covered then you can use collision coverage to pay for the damages on your car and if it was completely totaled, then this coverage can be used to pay for its value. If your car is an older model though, then this coverage may not be as useful for you. This coverage is applicable if you have a lienholder.

Car Accident? – Call Attorney Javier Marcos

Hire a personal injury attorney to get the coverage you need during a car accident by calling Javier Marcos and Associates. They will be your legal representatives and will ensure you file a successful claim. Call them by dialing 713-999-4444 / 1(800) 444-8118. Whether you were involved in the accident or a loved one is, we will ensure that you get the legal aid you need for a successful case.



Injured? Call Attorney Javier Marcos

(713) 999-4444

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