Whether it is medical malpractice, car accident, or a personal injury claim, it is important to make sure you get the compensation you deserve. Many insurance companies tend to offer a lower amount than what you quote in the demand letter. Many people believe that’s the best offer they will get. With a lawyer by your side, they will make sure you receive the maximum compensation for you accident. Fortunately, you can always negotiate the offer made by the insurance company by following these tips to settle an accident claim:
Determine an Amount to Demand
Firstly, you must have a clear idea of the amount you want for your accident claim. You probably did this when submitting your demand letter, but you must also decide the minimum amount you are willing to accept. Having a clear idea will help streamline the entire negotiation process.
Moreover, this will also prevent you from agreeing to a lower demand when pressurized by the insurance company. Keep in mind that this minimum amount should never be revealed to the adjuster. If the adjuster gives you an offer, which is around your minimum, then it is a wise idea to increase your minimum figure.
Avoid Agreeing to the First Offer
As mentioned above, many individuals agree to whatever first offer their insurance company gives them. This is merely a tactic to determine whether or not you know what you are doing. Sometimes, the offer is so low that you may doubt whether or not your demanded figure was justified. Avoid giving in to the pressure.
In some cases, they make a reasonable offer, but the figure is still low. Always make a counteroffer. You can lower your demand figure a little as this can show the adjuster you are being reasonable. Don’t be hesitant in making another counteroffer.
Ask for Justification of a Low Offer
In case the first offer made is extremely low, instead of lowering your demand figure, you should ask the adjuster to justify the offer they have made. When the adjuster highlights the reasons behind the low offer, note them down and respond to each of them briefly.
If the reasons stated by the adjuster are strong, then you might consider lowering down your demand slightly. However, you should first wait to check if the adjuster would budge after your response to their justification.
Highlight the Emotional Aspects
During these negotiations, it is recommended to highlight all the crucial points of your case. You can also emphasize the emotional aspects of the case in order to make your claim stronger. For instance, you can include a picture of your damaged car or your injury to make your point. While it is not possible to determine the value of emotional damage, it can help in settling the accident claim with the insurance company in your favor.
Accident Claim | Attorney Javier Marcos
These negotiation tips will help you in reaching a fair settlement for your case. Be sure to get the final offer clearly in writing by including all the details. In case you are still unsure or are unable to negotiate the right way, it is best to consider hiring a professional lawyer to negotiate on your behalf and reach a good settlement. Attorney Javier Marcos can help you negotiate your accident claim with an insurance company after a car accident. Call the office 24 hrs for a free consultation at 713.999.4444. There is no payment unless we win the case.
Consejos para negociar su reclamo de accidente con el seguro | Abogado Javier Marcos