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Truck Accident Lawyer | What Should I Do At The Scene Of A Truck Accident?

Truck Accident Lawyer | Attorney Javier Marcos | 713.999.4444

After a truck accident, the affected people are often in an emotional and stressed state of mind. Since such accidents usually result in serious injuries and even fatalities, it is easy for you to make mistakes or be confused about the things you should and shouldn’t do at the accident scene. You might admit fault or apologize even if the accident wasn’t caused by you, which can result in problems for you when you make a claim. Always consult a truck accident lawyer to advice you on your case.

In this scenario, you might find yourself wondering, “What should I do at the scene of a truck accident?” Here are the things you must do:

Stay Calm

It is important for you to stay calm after an accident. Indeed, it is easier said than done, but whatever you do at the truck accident scene will have a major impact on your claim later on. This is the time when many people make the wrong decisions, which they end up regretting. So, take a deep breath and never, in any circumstances, apologize or admit fault.

Always Stop

Whether the accident was your fault or not, make sure you stop and wait for emergency personnel to arrive. Never move your vehicle from the accident scene unless instructed by the police or if there is a sign on the highway instructing you to move the vehicle.

Call for Help

Call emergency services immediately if you doubt that anyone has made the call yet. If you are unable to connect to 911 or if can’t find your phone, ask someone around you to call for help or head to the nearest shop to make the call.

Check yourself for any injuries and help the injured parties, if possible. Once the ambulances arrive, get yourself checked by a medical professional even if you don’t see any visible injuries. Truck accidents may cause a much stronger impact than any other automobile accidents; it is possible your injuries are internal.

Gather Evidence

Once you have contacted the emergency services, you should gather as much evidence as you possibly can as this will help make your claim stronger. Get the contact details of the people involved, as well as the witnesses. Be sure to note down the license number of the other drivers, the color and model of their vehicles.

You should also take photos and videos of the crime scene from different angles. However, make sure it is safe to do this. There is no point putting yourself and others in danger just to gather some evidence.

Always do a police report

When involved in an accident, always have the police come to the scene. The police will do a police report in which will state who is at fault of the accident. If you do not do a police report, you are at risk of the other party blaming you for the accident. This is why it is always best to do a police report.

Contact Your Insurance Company

Another important thing you must do is to report the accident to your insurance company. Provide them the details of the accident and answer their questions as shortly as possible without admitting fault. Whatever you share with them might be used against you to reduce or devalue your claim. However, never lie or fabricate a different version of the scene.

Truck Accident Lawyer | Attorney Javier Marcos

Being involved in a truck accident can be a surreal and horrifying experience. It is recommended that you avoid sharing any details with anyone and contact an experienced truck accident lawyer to help you in this case. A good attorney knows how to handle the insurance company as well as the legal team of the other party involved. Call Attorney Javier Marcos 24 hrs. 713.999.4444. Consultation is always free, there is no payment unless we win the case, we go to you and we all speak spanish.



Abogado de Accidentes de Camiones | ¿Qué hacer en la escena de un accidente de camión?

Injured? Call Attorney Javier Marcos

(713) 999-4444

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