10700 North Fwy.

Houston, TX 77037

228 Westheimer Rd

Houston, TX 77006

(713) 999-4444

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Construction in Houston


The City of Houston is constantly evolving as we get more roads and buildings in efforts to reduce congestion. Construction almost seems to be a normality in the City of Houston that has not only put a weight of distress on the people who reside here and are trying to get to work on time, but it is also a job of high demand where the majority of its employees are Hispanic and at risk for accidents and injuries.

Who works in construction?

Houston, Texas is very diverse which means there is always a mixture of ethnicities at these job sites. However, Hispanic immigrants always seems to be the people who mostly seek financial stability in construction work, as there is always opportunity at these heavy labor jobs. For many Hispanic immigrants it could be difficult and life threatening to work at a foreign language environment, but to them it is even harder not to provide for their families. Hispanic immigrants place their life on edge when they accept responsibility and work at these job sites without taking in consideration the language barrier that can cost them their life. There is no doubt that Hispanic immigrants are hardworking and very loyal to their job responsibilities, but not being able to understand Safety and Health regulations is probably one of the reasons why these workers are injured daily at their work place. Although companies benefit of the hard work of these immigrants, they don’t always provide the appropriate training or follow federal laws that can help these individuals be more productive workers, which only increases the Hispanic worker death rates at these job sites.

How are construction workers injured?

Construction workers are injured in many ways. One of the hazards that is most dangerous would probably be a scaffold collapse. According to the OSHA, scaffold hazards occur when they are not erected the way they should or when workers fail to use them accordingly. Scaffolds should be inspected properly and a professional should ensure that any damaged area is repaired or replaced to prevent future accidents or injury. On the other hand, falling is the number one fatality in the construction industry. This occurs mostly because construction surfaces are unstable, slippery, or there is no protection on the edges. Nevertheless, the injuries that construction workers encounter are massive. From severe back injuries to head injuries, construction workers are at risk daily at these work environments.

Hispanic attorneys – Attorney Javier Marcos

It could be difficult for a Hispanic immigrant to seek legal help when he has been involved in a serious accident. We know that language can play a big role in the communication process and sometimes Hispanic immigrants just need someone who can put themselves in their shoes and know the importance of work and how necessary it is for the survival of a Hispanic family. Hispanic workers should be valued and treated equally. When they have been involved in a life threatening situation, there is nobody better to contact than a Hispanic attorney. Attorney Javier Marcos was born to a Hispanic immigrant family of good morals who know the value of family, work, and one’s well-being. Contact attorney Javier Marcos at 713-999-4444 and let him stand up for what you deserve.



Injured? Call Attorney Javier Marcos

(713) 999-4444

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